Work-life balance is essential to maintain daily life. This study's objective is to examine the influence of supervisor support, work-health balance, and career commitment on work-life balance in the manufacturing industry in Pakistan. The study's second objective is to examine the role of job stress as a mediator between supervisor support, work-health balance, career commitment, and work-life balance. A total of 255 questionnaires were distributed among the employees working in the manufacturing industry of Karachi. The employees returned 247 questionnaires filled in by the participant, of which 243 were identified as useful. The percentage of the valid questionnaire was 95.29%. The gathered data was analyzed and delivered statistical outcomes by developed hypotheses. Tests were performed by using SPSS and PLS-SEM statistical techniques. The results show that supervisor support, career commitment, and work-health balance positively correlate with work-life balance. Supervisory support, career commitment, and work-health balance negatively correlate with job stress. Job stress mediates the relationship between supervisor support, career commitment, work-health, and work-life balance.
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