This empirical study delves into the relationship between top managers' support for ethical behavior and employee job satisfaction. The research was conducted in the educational sector of Karachi, with data collected through a questionnaire survey from a sample size of 215 participants. A random sampling method was employed to ensure unbiased and representative results. Descriptive statistics techniques, including correlation analysis and SPSS, were utilized to analyze the data. The findings reveal a positive relationship between top managers' support for ethical behavior and job satisfaction among employees. Expressly, the correlation analysis conducted using SPSS indicated a statistically significant correlation coefficient between the two variables. This result aligns with previous research in the field, which has consistently highlighted the link between top manager support for ethics and employee job satisfaction. Numerous studies have explored this relationship and provided evidence supporting the assertion that a supportive ethical environment fostered by top managers contributes to higher levels of job satisfaction among employees. The present study's confirmation of this relationship adds further credence to the existing body of literature on the subject. By employing rigorous research methods and analysis techniques, this study provides valuable insights into the dynamics between top management support for ethical behavior and employee job satisfaction. The findings underscore the importance of ethical leadership in promoting a positive work environment and enhancing employee satisfaction.
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