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Shah, N. A., Bilgrami , A. A., & Rauf, S. (2022). THE IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF COVID-19 ON PAKISTANI WOMEN: A SOCIO-ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVE. Global Journal for Management and Administrative Sciences, 3(3), 101–121.


The impact of COVID-19 across the globe has been profound because emerging evidence on the impact of COVID-19 shows that women’s lives have been affected disproportionately and differently. Presently, the epidemic of COVID-19 has had a major impact on every sphere of human life. All aspects of human life (social, economic, political) were directly or indirectly affected by the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus. Women are greatly affected by the outbreak of COVID-19 as compared to men. Women are half of the population of the world. They are involved in every sphere of life. A large number of women are working in the health, economy, security, hospitality, social protection, and education sectors all over the globe. Furthermore, the workload on women is higher than men in all fields (domestic and economic) of their lives. In COVID-19, women cannot fulfil their socioeconomic responsibilities, so the level of depression is increased in them. Due to COVID-19, the percentage of unemployed and depressed women has also increased worldwide in Pakistan. This research study aims to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on Pakistani women. Data is collected through the non-probability snowball and convenient sampling technique to achieve the target. A total of 60 women were interviewed from different segments of society for the collection of primary data. The clinical studies, international reports, working papers, and peer-reviewed articles are secondary data. This research highlights that COVID-19 has harmed women in all areas of their lives. Furthermore, results point out that working women are more likely to spend their incomes on their families than men. Therefore, in the present situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, women are fired from their jobs and livelihoods and facing vulnerable situations which created unbelievable depression, panic, and anxiety in them.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Dr. Nasreen Aslam Shah, Dr. Aliyah Ali Bilgrami , Dr.Samina Rauf